#19AWITC Workshop Program

Bus Tours #01

Saturday, 19 July 2025

Bus Tour #01


DIY Terroir - The Journey of the McLaren Vale Districts Group

Wes Pearson, Australian Wine Research Institute
Jodie Armstrong, MVGWTA
Seminar + Bus Tour
McLaren Vale

Session One

Sunday, 20 July 2025 | Starting 8:30am

Workshop #01

Workshop #02

Workshop #03

Workshop #04

Workshop #05

Viticulture Viticulture Viticulture Viticulture Winemaking

Cultivating Resilience: A Holistic (Biodynamic) Approach to Regenerative Farming and Sustainable Business

Protecting Australia's Vineyards: Cutting-Edge Biosecurity, Pest & Disease Management Strategies

Demonstrating the influence of clonal selection on Cabernet Sauvignon vineyard performance and wine attributes

Autonomous vineyard tractors and robots

Insights and Innovations for No and Low Alcohol Wine Production

David Lowe Robyn Dixon Richard Fennessy Simon Nordestgaard, Australian Wine Research Institute Wes Pearson
Tinja Pastoral Wine Australia Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Andy Clarke, Wine Australia Australian Wine Research Institute
Seminar Interactive Session Tasting Seminar Tasting

Workshop #06

Workshop #07

Workshop #08

Workshop #09

Workshop #10

Winemaking Winemaking Engineering/Packaging Business/Marketing Business/Marketing

Flint, oak, and a little bit of smoke

Practical tools for grape growers and winemakers to monitor and manage smoke exposure from fire events

Engineer your way to more efficiencies & better wine: Practical & attainable automation for small to medium sized businesses

Where is WET going?

From Brand to Business: A Comprehensive Workshop for Wine Industry Success

Allie Kulcsar Sharon Harvey, Wine Australia Adam Keath Kate Hardy, Proof Legal Peter McAtamney, Wine Business Solutions
Australian Wine Research Institute Ian Porter, LaTrobe University Wine Network Consulting Matthew Brittingham, Tributum Law Rowena Curlewis, Denomination
Tasting Tasting Seminar Seminar Interactive Session

Session Two

Sunday, 20 July 2025 | Starting 12:30pm

Workshop #11

Workshop #12

Workshop #13

Workshop #14

Workshop #15

Viticulture Viticulture Viticulture Viticulture Engineering/Packaging

A Novel Approach to Traditional Varieties - the disease resistant future

Grapevine Scale Insect Management: Insights, Strategies, and Success Stories

OneBasinCRC - Opportunities for the Wine Industry

EcoVineyards are growing in harmony with nature

Process improvement via a filtration deep-dive: maximising wine quality, process $/L and sustainability

Liz Riley Robyn Dixon, Wine Australia Paul Petrie, South Australian Research And Development Institute Mary Retallack Paul Bowyer, BHF technologies
Vitibit Pty Ltd Paul Cooper, The Australian National University Leigh Schmidtke, Charles Sturt University Retallack Viticulture Pty Ltd Greg Edwards, Vinpac International
Tasting Seminar Seminar Seminar Tasting

Workshop #16

Workshop #17

Workshop #18

Workshop #19

Workshop #20

Winemaking Winemaking Business/Marketing Business/Marketing Business/Marketing

Smoke Taint: Better business decisions based on the latest research

Investigating the organoleptic effects of enzymes in winemaking

Transforming Wine Tourism: How to Create Innovative Guest Experiences Through Hospitality

Embracing Change: Strategies for an environmentally sustainable industry

The Talent Crunch: Strategic Workforce Planning

Mango Parker, Australian Wine Research Institute Remi Schneider, Oenobrands Robin Shaw, Wine Tourism Australia Valeria Bellan Stephanie Wood
Kerry Wilkinson, The University of Adelaide Eveline Bartowsky, Lellemand Oenology Genevieve d'Ament, Charles Sturt University Australian Wine Research Institute Wine Network Consulting
Tasting Tasting Seminar Interactive Session Seminar

Session Three

Sunday, 20 July 2025 | Starting 4:30pm

Workshop #21

Workshop #22

Workshop #23

Workshop #24

Workshop #25

Viticulture Viticulture Viticulture Viticulture Sensory/Consumer

Novel germplasm solutions to ensure a robust Australian wine sector: From conventional breeding through to gene editing technology and beyond

Vitivoltaics in the wine industry: Merging sustainability with innovation

How to run simple and informative in-vineyard trials

Integration of carbon emissions management and vineyard and winery insetting and storage

Sculpting Wine Aromas: The Power of Yeast in Wine Flavor Development

Susan Bastian Richard Muhlack and David Jeffery Katherine (Kathy) Evans and Oliver Overman Julian Marchant, Wine Australia Coline Leriche and Amanda Durand
The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Tasmania Charlotte Hey, International Wineries for Climate Action Fermentis
Tasting Seminar Interactive Session Interactive Session Tasting

Workshop #26

Workshop #27

Workshop #28

Workshop #29

Workshop #30

Winemaking Winemaking Health/Regulatory Business/Marketing Business/Marketing

Winery Automation For Winemakers

Bubbles & Climate

International Trade & Market Access, jumping through the regulatory hoops

Navigating the diversity and inclusion landscape with leadership capability

M&A: Being proactive as the wine world changes

Vanessa Stockdale, ASVO Robin Querre Eric Wilkes Jo Hargreaves and Shirley Fraser Mark O'Callaghan
Simon Nordestgaard, Australian Wine Research Institute Laffort Australian Wine Research Institute Wine Australia Wine Network Consulting
Seminar + Bus Tour
Barossa Valley
Tasting Seminar Interactive Session Seminar

Session Four

Tuesday, 22 July 2025 | Starting 10:00am

Workshop #31

Workshop #32

Workshop #33

Workshop #34

Winemaking Winemaking Business/Marketing Business/Marketing

Basic wine analysis techniques, getting it right

Impact of cork stoppers on the quality and evolution of sparkling wines

Regeneration: Key Considerations Moving Forward in the Local Wine Industry

A rose by any other name? Latest trends and insights for No-, Low- and Mid- (NLM) Alcohol wines

Eric Wilkes Francisco Campos, Amorim Cork Amy Bishop & Daniel Idema Armando Maria Corsi
Australian Wine Research Institute Paul Gerber, Colmant Cap Classique DW Fox Tucker Lawyers The University of Adelaide
Seminar Tasting Seminar Seminar

Session Five

Tuesday, 22 July 2025 | Starting 3:15pm

Workshop #35

Workshop #36

Workshop #37

Viticulture Business/Marketing Business/Marketing

Vines and Vineyards Design in Response to Climate Change

Developing a happy, diverse, inclusive, flexible, high-performance workplace and complying with the law in the process

Sustainability: who’s asking for what, how are we answering, and who’s helping us along the way

Andrea Bonfatti Will Taylor Suzanne McLoughlin
Simonit&Sirch Finlaysons Australian Wine Research Institute
Seminar Seminar Seminar + Bus Tour
Adelaide Hills

Bus Tours #02

Thursday, 24 July 2025

Bus Tour #02

Bus Tour #03

Winemaking Business/Marketing

Winery Automation For Winemakers

Sustainability: who’s asking for what, how are we answering, and who’s helping us along the way

Vanessa Stockdale, ASVO Suzanne McLoughlin
Simon Nordestgaard, Australian Wine Research Institute Australian Wine Research Institute
Seminar + Bus Tour
Barossa Valley
Seminar + Bus Tour
Adelaide Hills