The 16th Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference

24 - 28 July 2016



Monday, 25 July 2016

  • Chair introduction | Tony Battaglene, Winemakers' Federation of Australia and Joanna Andrew, Wine Grape Growers Australia

    The big picture: what the world will look like? | David Rumbens, Deloitte

    Where are US wine consumers going? | Danny Brager, Nielsen (USA)

    Perception (and reality) of Australian wine in global markets | Dan Jago, Berry Bros. & Rudd (UK)

    Performance and projections in our major markets - panel presentation | Tony Battaglene, Winemakers' Federation of Australia; Andreas Clark, Wine Australia; Brett McKinnon, Pernod Ricard Winemakers; Matt Tallentire, Casella Family Brands; Mitchell Taylor, Taylors Wines

  • Chair introduction | Joanna Andrew, Wine Grape Growers Australia

    Release of 2016 Vintage Report | Tony Battaglene, Winemakers' Federation of Australia and Andrew Weeks, Wine Grape Growers Australia

    VinSites: insights from grape to glass | Andreas Clark, Wine Australia

    The future of retail-owned brands and exclusive brands | Chris Baddock, Pinnacle Drinks

    The future for cellar door, food and art | Mark Wilsdon, Museum of Old and New Art

    Future competition framework | Prof. Ian Harper, Deloitte

    Wrap-up of industry opportunity | Tony D'Aloisio AM, Winemakers' Federation of Australia

  • Chair introduction | Sue Bell, Bellwether Wines

    The importance of a sense of place in selling Australian wines | Brian Croser, Tapanappa Wines

    Unique Australian wine offerings beyond the single vineyard | Fiona Donald, Seppeltsfield

    Terroir in the old and new world - what sensory is telling us | Prof. Ulrich Fischer, Neustadt Wine Campus (Germany)

    Do we make too much of terroir? | Dr Jamie Goode, Wine writer (UK)

Thursday, 28 July 2016

  • Chair introduction | Dr Tony Robinson, Treasury Wine Estate

    Grape berry counting based on automated 3D bunch reconstruction from a single image | Scarlett Liu, UNSW Australia

    Effect of machine harvesting with and without optical berry sorting on Pinot Noir grape and wine composition | Anita Oberholster, UC Davis (USA)

    Perception (and reality) of Australian wine in global markets | Dan Jago, Berry Bros. & Rudd (UK)

    Objective measures of grape quality | Dr Keren Bindon, The Australian Wine Research Institute

    Compositional variation amongst Australian sparkling white wines | Dr Julie Culbert, The University of Adelaide

    Why is genetic diversity of Brettanomyces bruxellensis important for winemakers and is it related to sulfur tolerance? | Marta Avramova, University of Bordeaux (France)

    Using cross-linked polymers to scavenge metals and extend shelf life of wine | Neil Scrimgeour, The Australian Wine Research Institute

  • Chair introduction | Brett McKinnon, Pernod Ricard Winemakers

    Next generation yield prediction technologies | Dr Mark Whitty, University of NSW

    Advances in the application of robotics to agriculture | Prof. Robert Fitch, The University of Sydney

    Designing the wineries of the future for quality wine production | Prof. Roger Boulton, UC Davis (USA)

    Designing and implementing efficient production systems | Ryan Hodgson, Accolade Wines

  • Chair introduction | Dr Dan Johnson, The Australian Wine Research Institute and Chair of AWITC Inc.

    Australian wine in 2050 | Louisa Rose, The Yalumba Wine Company

    The social licence of wine | Dr Jamie Goode, Wine writer (UK)

    Scientific opportunities that will disrupt | Prof. Peter Høj, The University of Queensland

    Changing times, emerging trends: a snapshot of the changes transforming the Australian wine industry now and towards 2025 | Mark McCrindle, McCrindle Research

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

  • Chair introduction | Pete Bissell, Balnaves of Coonawarra

    Understanding the components of terroir | Dr Peter Dry, The Australian Wine Research Institute

    Vineyard variability and terroir: making sense of a sense of place | Dr Rob Bramley, CSIRO

    Microbial diversity at work in vineyards and wine | Dr Paul Chambers, The Australian Wine Research Institute

    How can we enhance the uniqueness of Australian wine? | Sue Bell, Bellwether Wines

  • Chair introduction | Dr Mardi Longbottom, Australian Society for Viticulture & Oenology/AWRI

    The global adaption challenges for viticulture | Prof. Hans Schultz, Hochschule Geisenheim University (Germany)

    Regional adaptation: alternative varieties in Australia | Kim Chalmers, Chalmers Wines Australia

    Practical options to manage vintage compression | Dr Paul Petrie, South Australian Research and Development Institute/The Australian Wine Research Institute

    The changing landscape for sparkling wine production | Ed Carr, Accolade Wines

  • Chair introduction | Prue Henschke, Henschke Wines

    Breeding for disease resistant varieties | Prof. Reinhard Töpfer, Julius Kühn Institute (Germany)

    Regional evaluation of Chardonnay and Shiraz clones | Dr Michael McCarthy, SARDI

    Genetic diversity in clones of Chardonnay | Dr Simon Schmidt, The Australian Wine Research Institute

    Fungicide resistance in Australian viticulture | Dr Barbara Hall, SARDI

    Innovations in the management of grapevine trunk disease | Dr Mark Sosnowski, SARDI

  • Chair introduction | Mary Retallack, Retallack Viticulture

    Targeted manipulation of vine balance: does vine balance directly affect fruit composition? | Dr Everard Edwards, CSIRO Agriculture

    Assessing the impact of winter drought on vine balance and root activity | Dr Marcos Bonada, South Australian Research and Development Institute

    Boosting varietal thiols in white and rosé wines through foliar nitrogen and sulfur spraying | Rémi Schneider, IFV Sud-ouest (France)

    A step forward to unravel the uniqueness of Australian Cabernet Sauvignon wine aroma | Dr Guillaume Antalick, Charles Sturt University

    In-mouth flavour release from non-volatile grape-derived precursors | Mango Parker, The Australian Wine Research Institute

    High-throughput phenotyping of malolactic bacteria | Dr Peter Costello, The Australian Wine Research Institute

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

  • Chair introduction | Louisa Rose, The Yalumba Wine Company/The Australian Wine Research Institute

    Wine perception and identification | Prof. Terry Acree, Cornell University (USA)

    Do you taste what I taste? Why training cannot overcome biological differences in perception | Dr John Hayes, Penn State University (USA)

    Minerality in wine | Prof. Pascale Deneulin, Changins – Viticulture and Oenology - University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Switzerland)

    Enhancing the experience - the science of food and wine flavour | Leslie Norris, FlavorSense (USA)

  • Chair introduction | Jonathan Breach, Accolade Wines Australia

    Preventing food fraud | Dr John Spink, Michigan State University (USA)

    Traceable, tested and trusted: ensuring the safety, quality and authenticity of Australian wine | Steve Guy, Wine Australia

    Measuring up authentication: analytical tools to test wine provenance | Dr Martin Day, The Australian Wine Research Institute

    An overview of smart packaging technologies and solutions to preserve authenticity | Tim Merchant, YPB IPP Inc. (USA)



Posters can be provide upon request. Please contact us at [email protected].